Life Skills

"I have learnt that I have more skills than I thought!"

What are Life Skills?

‘Life Skills’ are the skills you need to make the most out of your life.

Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered a life skill.

Managing your mental health, money and time are all useful life skills. 

Develop your skills in

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Our LIFEMAPS resource is designed to measure happiness and provide practical advice to support good mental health.
What is LIFEMAPS? LIFEMAPS Activities Daily guide to get through your day 5 steps to wellbeing Conversations on COVID Download - Let's talk VALUES


"I always struggled at the end of the month with my money - Thinking about how I spend it has helped me budget much better"
Are you cash confident? Top 10 tips for money management Download 'YOLT' budget planner Gambling - Take the self assessment Gambling - Myth buster

Time Management

Managing your time will help you keep promises, perform better in your job and keep more of your money.

Check out some of our top tips below:
Top 10 tips for Time Management Start the training now

Know your
own skills

Find out your character type and what jobs might suit you.
Are you a 'virtuoso' or a 'campaigner'?
Take the quiz now

Get support for your mental health

Follow the links below for advice, training and 1 2 1 support

World Mental Health Day 2020

The acts of kindness can be acts of self-care, acts of kindness for those you know and love, random acts of kindness for strangers those less fortunate than you or acts of community kindness focusing on activism.

It also seeks to challenge the stereotyping by the mainstream media blaming young people for not social distancing and the narrative that young people don’t care about the spread of Covid-19.   

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