LIFEMAPS Activities

To Build Positive Mental Health

L is for Learning

Learning something new is challenging and exciting.

Gaining new skills or activities that STRETCH not STRESS us

are good for mental health. r

 Challenge: How do you fit TEN HORSES into NINE STABLES?

Learning CAN be fun - join Jenny  as she makes the Ulster traybake "Fifteens"

I is for Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation is doing something that you want to do FOR YOU.  Not because you have to. 

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Answers on a Postcard lol.

F is for Flow

Flow activities are activities you become totally engrossed in, so much so that you can loose sense of place and time. 

  • What's your Flow?

    Martin loves tennis. 

  • What's your Flow?

    Annetta loves Gardening. 

  • What's your Flow?

    Caroline swims in The Mournes. 

  • What's your Flow?

    Sarah loves walking Dougal. 

  • What's your Flow?

    Sean plays football with Jackson. 

  • What's your Flow?

    Kerry paddleboards with Pip. 

  • What's your flow?

    Mary Jo loves spending time with Saraya .


E is for Emotions

We all experience a range of emotions each and evey day.

You may be happy that you woke up before your alarm yet within 40 minutes be frustrated that the bus is late.

Being in touch with our emotions and how we feel is key in building our mental health.   

Check out our mood meter below - how you are feeling right in this moment?

Did you know that for every negative emotion we experience,

we need to experience 3 positive emotions to counteract this?

Che Óg shares his rap on love...

If you are overwhelmed with an emotion this exercise can help ...

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M is for Mindfulness

Mindfulness involves becoming aware of your body, mind and spirit.  It is about bringing yourself to calm and being in the right here, right now.  

Here are some breathing techniques that can help you ....

  • Slide title

    Write your caption here
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    Write your caption here
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    Write your caption here

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Quick and easy mindfulness technique - no matter where you are ...

  • Stop The Press

    STOP The Press 

    Read More
    Stop The Press
  • Mindfulness is not all soft lighting, sweet smelling candles and music

    Mindfulness is not all soft lighting, sweet smelling candles and music 

    Read More
    Mindfulness is not all soft lighting, sweet smelling candles and music
  • Who is this guy?

      Meet Wim Hof AKA The Ice Man. 

    He suggests you practice mindfulness by taking a COLD shower EVERY morning.  

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    Who is this guy?
  • A cold shower? You must be joking?

    When our bodies are exposed to the cold, our minds stop thinking about worries (past, present or future) 

    Survival instinct kicks - we are fully in the moment.

     Our first instinct is to breathe deeply - a sharp intake of breath and then exhale.

    This is mindfulness practice at its best - no candles just cold water.

    Read More
    A cold shower? You must be joking?
  • Why it works?

    So  after your warm shower in the morning:

    1. Take in 3 very deep breaths, 

    2. Turn the shower head to cold, 

    3. Time yourself for 15 seconds. 

    4. Showering in the cold, breathing in and out deeply right from the bottom of your belly.

    5. Notice all those worries disappear 

    6. Be fully in the moment.

    Each day you can increase the time. 10 seconds, 20 seconds, or by 30 seconds more - whatever you want to commit to.  

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    Why it works?
  • Card Title

    For some people who can't get out of the thoughts in the head, this is a daily act of mindfulness. 

    Please note that this technique should not be used by people with heart conditions, epilepsy and those who have had or are at risk of stroke.  

    For anyone who is interested in learning more about "The Iceman" you can sign up to a free online course where he takes you through each and every step.

    It really does work. 

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A is for Accomplishments

We feel good when we accomplish a goal we have set for ourselves.  Our mental health improves as we feel pride and  have a sense of pupose. 

 Celebrate the small, often things like making our bed as well as the bigger accomplishments like helping out a friend in need. 

Matthew faces his fears and learns to dance.

What an accomplishment - you've got the moves!

P is for Purpose.

Having a clear sense of purpose in the world adds to our feeling of well being.  if your purpose adds to the lives of others it tends to have more meaning. This is being "other regarding" - thinking of others not just yourself. 

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    Self care packs given out to young people. 

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    Face2Face bring the voices of disabled young people to Westminster. 

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    Bike repair workshop by young men in North Belfast. 

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    Young people campaign against poverty. 

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    Spill The Beans for Mental Health Derry. 

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    Bloomfield Young Men's Group celebrate World Mental Health Day. 


In order to keep to your purpose

 Pause throughout the day and ask

Is what Im doing now bringing me closer to my purpose

or further away?

Now come up with your own mantra - my purpose is .... my feelings are ... I will do .... as a .... person

S is for Social Connections

Having strong relationships with others is a key part of having good mental health.

Relationships fulfil our basic needs such as

feeling valued, loved and listened to. 

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    Face2Face Group Halloween Party

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    AMPLIFY Kilkeel join with Face2Face for a quiz with VRF. 

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    Genesis Girls Group Residential got Messy. 

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    Corpus Christi Young Leaders hold each other safely (back in the days when we could meet lol) 


Get support for your mental health

Follow the links below for advice, training and 1 2 1 support

World Mental Health Day 2020

The acts of kindness can be acts of self-care, acts of kindness for those you know and love, random acts of kindness for strangers those less fortunate than you or acts of community kindness focusing on activism.

It also seeks to challenge the stereotyping by the mainstream media blaming young people for not social distancing and the narrative that young people don’t care about the spread of Covid-19.   

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