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YouthAction NI actively encourage the involvement of young people to join in and shape the world they wish to create. We believe that young people light the way for a brighter future in leading change for a more fair and inclusive world.
Young people are positive and able sources of inspiration and influence with much to contribute. We value them as assets and nurture their compassionate and altruistic behaviours to impact on the lives of others.
Alongside young people we work with our volunteers, members, other voluntary youth work charities and a range of business, statutory and academic partners to be courageous change makers that challenges inequalities and improves the life chances for young people and their communities.
Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to shining a light on young people to showcase their abilities, capabilities and passion for making our world fairer and more inclusive for all through youth work and youth arts approaches. Collectively we can light the way for a brighter future.
Dr Martin Mc Mullan
Chief Executive Officer, YouthAction NI
Our Vision
Young people leading change for a fairer and more inclusive world.
Our Mission
YouthAction Northern Ireland challenges inequalities to improve life chances for young people and their communities.
Through such intention and purpose we:
1) improve their life chances
2) inspire them as activists
3) grow inclusive and outward looking communities
4) build a peaceful and shared society.
Outcomes for Young People
Safe Guarding
YouthAction NI is committed to the highest standards of safeguarding the welfare of all children, young people and adults who participate in our programmes. We strive to keep them safe from harm and exploitation throughout all our programmes and activities.
We deliver Keeping Safe recognised safeguarding training to our members and provide Access NI vetting for staff and volunteers.
Our Designated Officer/Adult Safeguarding Champion is Caroline Redpath OBE; Deputy Designated Officer/Appointed Person (for Adults) Michael McKenna and our Safeguarding Board member is Liam Hannaway. Our Keeping Safe trainers are Caroline Redpath, Sean Madden, Jonathan Ashe, Emma Johnston, Lynne Carroll and Louise Malone. For further guidance please contact us.
Click on the icon to the right to download our full Safeguarding Policy.
YouthAction NI is committed to working with other sectoral representatives and partners to raise the quality and increase the reach of youth work and youth arts across Northern Ireland
We aim to support over 10,000 young people each year to discover their potential through our arts and creativity workshops, life and work skills programme and our health, wellbeing and peace projects.
We are always keen to explore new opportunities to develop our programmes and enhance the support we can offer young people locally.
You can support our work by giving a donation of money, time, product or skills. Every gift will help more young people discover their potential and empower them to improve their futures.
Registered Charity: NIC 106365
Company No: NI 035317