Youth Network for Peace
(YNP) is a new, regional, cross border, youth led initiative to build a vibrant movement of 10,000 diverse young people aged 15–25yrs across Northern Ireland & the border regions of Ireland, resulting in meaningful, purposeful & sustained contact between young people from different communities;
- A Youth Democracy Hub
will connect 10,000
young people.
- A Youth Steering Body
of 75
diverse young people will co-ordinate all activities and contribute to broadcasting targets.
- 16
cross border, youth led Dialogue Events
will take place, with 960 young people.
- YouthBank
committees of diverse young people; trained in good relations, assessment of needs, committee & grant giving skills.
- 3
cross border cohorts of young people training & leading on Social Action
projects will take place, targeting exclusion & encouraging peace building through joint activities.
- 4 Campaigns
will be researched & supported by young people each year on legacy & contemporary issues, with 3 cross border conventions
led by young people.
- 6 Influencing actions
& 3
cross border, youth led participative democracy events will take place.
- 1 on line, internet regional radio & social media station
will be set up & run by young people, connecting young activists with debates, live shows and topical discussions.
- 6 Insight
youth polls will be conducted by young people to test & monitor attitudes.
Partnership of 13 cross border, voluntary youth organisations, will meet quarterly to support a youth steering body to monitor & manage activities.
Strategically YNP will link regional youth organisations to better co-ordinate youth participation & peace building North & South. Connecting & enhancing grass roots peace development through a regional network is integral to YNP.
YNP is supported through EU funding of €1.8m.