Mental Health Awareness Week
Tuesday 8th October


Twitter/Facebook Takeover #WMHD19
Theme - Flow and Emotions
Led by Anne McTaggart

LIFEMAPS Training for The Fostering Network
10am to 1pm
The Grove Centre, Ballynahinch
Led by Michael McKenna and Caolan Donnelly

Box 2 Box Radio Show: Sport and Mental Health
With special guests TAMHI
4pm to 5pm
Radio YNP, College Square North
Led by Sean McDonnell and Niall

Rainbow Classes - 15 Minute LIFEMAPS Exercise
5:30pm to 9:30pm
College Square North
Led by Kerry Rodgers

OCN level 2 Group Needs of Young People Mental Health
6:30pm to 9:30pm
Volunteer Room, College Square North
Led by Naomi English

If you are interested in attending any of the events listed, contact Maria below.
Email Maria
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