The Board of Directors

YouthAction NI is a charitable company limited by guarantee (NI035317) and does not have a share capital. It is governed by a Memorandum and Articles of Association and the liability of each member is limited to an amount not exceeding £1. The charitable company is governed by a board of Directors (volunteers and members of the Executive Committee) and is recognised as a charity by HMRC (XR44398) and Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (NIC106365).

Directors are registered with Company House, and operate in accordance with the Companies Act (NI) 2006. They are legally responsible for the governance of YouthAction NI and ultimately responsible for the charity, its property, finances and employment of staff and volunteers.

YouthAction NI Directors' responsibilities are agreed as: 
  • The strategic direction of the charity and ensuring the direction is in keeping with the objects and principles.
  • Being responsible in law for the charity.
  • Acting with integrity and in the best interest of the charity.
  • Confidently promoting the work of the charity and young people.
  • Contributing skills, knowledge, expertise and support to the work of the charity.
  • Getting to know aspects of the work of the organisation/ staff /young people/volunteers.  
Roles on YouthAction NI's Executive Committee include:
  • Chairperson - leads and manages the Board; represents the organisation; is leading spokesperson; and supports the Chief Executive.
  • Vice Chair - supports the Chairperson to carry out their duties; deputises for the Chair when necessary; and a leading member of the fundraising sub - committee. 
  • Treasurer – provides robust financial oversight; advises Chief Executive on YouthAction's financial planning; and ensures appropriate financial reporting. 
  • Honorary Secretary - contributes to the smooth running of the committee; and ensures communication and correspondence responsibilities are met.
  • Chair of Research Ethics sub-committee - accounts to committee on actions of Research Ethics sub - committee.
  • Members of Fundraising sub-committee (2/3 members) - provide support to fundraising manager to secure unrestricted funds for the organisation; provides advice and opens doors to corporate and business relationships; contributes knowledge, expertise and connections to assist with unrestricted fund raising; and reports to the committee on the actions of the sub-committee.
  • Child Protection Officer - is the Board representative and accounts to the board on the Child Protection action plan; links with designated Child Protection Officer and Deputy Child Protection Officer.
  • Whistle blowing representative - receives, in writing, complaints of misconduct from staff member; and oversees investigation.
  • Ambassador's representative - links Ambassador's and strategic volunteers to Board.
  • The President (non-Director) - is the leading volunteer and figurehead of the organisation; provides a valuable service to public relations events and publicity; and supports the fundraising sub-committee.  
Meet the Board 

Chairperson, Professor Ann Marie Gray

Ann Marie is a Senior Lecturer in Social Administration and Policy at Ulster University. A passionate advocate for women, she writes influential research and policy briefs to promote the advancement of gender equality. Ann Marie guided YouthAction NI’s renowned research project into the lives of young Northern Irish women. 

“Being Chair of YouthAction NI is energising and motivating, because it is an organisation where the focus is on the work and the outcomes (the young people) above all else. I think everyone on the board has a strong common purpose. We have a lot of confidence in the YouthAction NI staff, in the work and in the young people themselves. There is a long history of charities doing innovative and ground breaking work and being pioneering. Good governance is an important part of ensuring that the work of charities is high quality and cost efficient.”

Honorary Secretary, 
Liam Hannaway 

Honorary Secretary, Liam Hannaway is former Chief Executive of Newry and Down Council. Currently Chair of the Arts Council NI, having previously served as an Arts Council Ni Board member. Liam particularly champions the specific needs of rural young people in a host of different policy arenas. Liam's experience has been used to develop youth work strategies for the Newry and Mourne and Southern areas and for rural youth work and specifically supports the 2 Assistant Directors of the charity. Liam also has an active interest and involvement in the arts through community drama groups and is influential in our community outreach, youth arts initiatives.

“It is an honour to be on the Board, I admire the innovative work YouthAction NI do with young people, such as peer to peer support and the enthusiasm of the youth workers. I believe that by giving time to a wide range of interests broadens your view of life, as you get an understanding of pressures that people, you may never get to know, face on a daily basis. This helps me change how I do things in work and in life generally.”

Cathal Maneely

Cathal is the partner of one of Northern Ireland’s largest accounting practices. As an experienced professional in the world of finance, his knowledge and expertise are greatly utilized by YouthAction, an organization that prides itself on being prudent and transparent in all areas of financial management and governance. Cathal regularly provides guidance on sound financial practice and robust managerial accountancy to the Chief Executive. Cathal also plays an active role in building relationships with YouthAction and the Northern Ireland private sector. 

“As Treasurer I take my role extremely seriously. I can say without fear of contradiction that the organisation shares my commitment to ensuring that the entire organisation adheres to best practice in terms of financial management.”

Susie McCullough

Suzie McCullough is Director of Regeneration Development and Planning for Ards and North Down Borough Council and former Director of Marketing and Sales for the Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Hall. Prior to these roles Susie held the position of Director of Events and Industry Development for Tourism NI. Susie has been involved with tourism in Northern Ireland for over 20 years and brings extensive and wide ranging experience in all areas of marketing, communication and events. Susie is also a youth leader within her local church and has an active interest in supporting and encouraging young people to realise their full potential.

“Each of the young people I have had the privilege to meet through YouthAction NI have impressed me. Their confidence, skills and abilities are truly remarkable, particularly when you learn of the young people’s personal circumstances, many of which are extremely challenging. I have often been moved to tears listening to their personal stories. Tears of sadness for the challenges they have faced but also tears of joy at the inspirational way these young people, through the support given by YouthAction NI, have risen to meet these challenges.”

Board Member
Alex Barnett 

Alex is a Senior Consultant specialising in Data Quality projects. Her role takes her across the globe, but here in Northern Ireland, she participates in a number of networking groups including Junior Chamber International, Women into Business and the EAcademy. Alex is an active member of the fundraising committee and has an interest in all the various aspects of YouthAction NI’s work, particularly with ‘hard to reach’ young people

“I had spent some years as a friend of YouthAction NI and felt passionately about its mission. Joining the Board lets me help to shape, support and contribute in an active way. I believe that the inclusive programmes allow young people, from all communities, to ameliorate their skill base with a diverse group of peers that they otherwise may not engage with. It is important and also very rewarding to see, and help shape such an important charity.” 

Board Member
MBE Pamela Ballantine 

Pamela Ballantine is a renowned TV and Radio presenter. Pamela has worked in the media for over 35 years. Pamela is currently a freelance presenter for UTV and its radio station U105, as well as a columnist for the Belfast Telegraph. Pamela brings a wealth of media, corporate sector and arts skills and knowledge to the Board.

“Young people get a bad press and often that is because they are not given a chance, due to various difficulties and issues.YouthAction NI treats every young person as an individual and helps them work through whatever is causing them problems. I am constantly inspired and impressed by the young people I meet. Just to see the confidence that they have gained through the various opportunities that YouthAction NI give them is amazing.”

Board Member
Gillian Shields 

Gillian is Community Manager with Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and Northern Ireland. Gillian has been an advocate for YouthAction NI for a number of years, through her support of the charity’s high profile events and community initiatives. Gillian brings her corporate community investment experience to the committee, as well as advising the communication and fundraising committee. Gillian is a past Chair of the Charted Institute of Public Relations in Northern Ireland, and has over 12 years’ experience in public relations, communications, corporate affairs, social responsibility and event management.

“The social impact YouthAction NI has had, and continues to have on the lives of young people and communities throughout Northern Ireland is impressive. On a personal level, volunteering on YouthAction NI’s board is a hugely rewarding experience. I am involved in GET SET, an employability programme. It is clear to see how youth work can be used to build confidence and self-belief in personal capabilities whilst providing practical guidance on future employment or education.”

John Hannaway

John is Principal Partner of Hannaway CA Ltd. (Business assurance and advisory service.) John provides consulting on key issues including strategy, financial management, ICT and operational advice and counsel, specialising in advising and mentoring entrepreneurial businesses. He was formerly and examiner of auditing for the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ireland task force charged with enhancing corporate governance across Ireland. John was voted one of Belfast’s top 50 business personalities in 2009 and 2013.

“I joined the Board, because in life you get so much more from giving than receiving and hopefully my experience will be of some benefit to YouthAction NI. Over the years I never cease to be impressed by how YouthAction NI manages its governance and financial accounting. I am also always moved by the tremendous variety of projects and the inspirational young people involved.”

Honourable Shane O'Neill

Shane who is President (non director) of the Board, is the lead volunteer and figurehead of YouthAction NI. Shane is a dedicated exponent of the work of YouthAction NI in improving the life chances of young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, those with challenging mental health issues and those who need one on one support to gain employment or education. Shane leads the way in connecting the Board and the various youth governance groups.

“I am delighted to be President, mainly because I feel it is very important to support young people in progressing in their lives or careers. There is a long family connection that I wish to continue. Working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds helps the entire country in the long run, by guiding their inherent drive and energies in a positive direction.”

Youth Governance

YouthAction NI is committed to youth governance and supports a range of youth led sub groups, which prepare young people to feed in the work of the Board. This includes the Members’ Forum, Company group, Out and About and Young men's volunteer advisory group; Radio YNP; and BIPA group. Young people attend Board meetings to report on their activities and to provide advice to the Board on specific youth issues. The themes at each Board meeting change, to accommodate a wide spread of youth issues and geographical locations.
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